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Safer Plymouth Plan 2022-2023

The Safer Plymouth plan outlines Safer Plymouth's focus, values and strategic and delivery priorities. The Safer Plymouth strategic and delivery plan is currently undergoing a refresh, with the updated version set to be released in January 2025.  In the meantime, the Safer Plymouth Partnership continues to operate under the existing plan while this work is in progress.

Plymouth Violence Against Women and Girls, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy 2023-2026

In Plymouth we recognise that tackling violence against women and girls, domestic abuse and sexual violence is everyone’s business. This strategic plan brings together four statutory partnership boards in Plymouth with responsibility for community safety and safeguarding adults and children to deliver a shared vision and action plan to end violence against women and girls, domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Serious Violence Prevention Strategy and Model for Violence Prevention

This is the first version of our strategy and model to prevent and reduce serious violence in Plymouth. It provides a framework that invites partners and communities to collectively work together to prevent and reduce serious violence in the city.

Published alongside it is a summary strategic assessment, that helps us to understand the key issues for Plymouth.

Peninsula Strategic Assessment

Since 2012, analysts representing Devon and Cornwall Community Safety Partnerships and the police have worked together to build a shared evidence base, in the form of the Peninsula Strategic Assessment (PSA) and the suite of Organised Crime Local Profiles (OCLPs) that support the local delivery of the Government’s Serious and Organised Crime Strategy.

The PSA identifies and describes the main threats and risks to community safety across Devon and Cornwall, bringing together the key messages from the strategic assessments undertaken in each of the CSP areas, and includes the impacts of COVID based on our experiences of the first lockdown and the following months. It also identifies what responses are in place, highlights any areas for improvement and includes examples of best practice and innovation from individual CSPs.

It is used to support Peninsula collaboration and specifically to support the Police and Crime Commissioner in understanding and prioritising crime and disorder issues in Devon and Cornwall and developing the Police and Crime Plan.

Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Plan 2021-25

The Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025 sets out the strategic priorities for policing in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The Plymouth Drugs Strategic Partnership - Annual Report 2024

In Plymouth, the partnership that is responsible for reducing the harm caused by drugs is called the Plymouth Drugs Strategic Partnership, with the Director of Public Health assuming the role of Senior Responsible Officer. The Annual Report 2024 outlines the key activity the partnership has undertaken to address the partnership's priorities.